Accelerated Stress/ Life Test (AST/ALT) started back in the 1960s in America when space projects were demanding higher reliability standards. As times past and high technology has become more and more advanced, due to the quickly changing market, the old ways of verifications were too slow and new test methods were demanded to meet the needs of the changing market caused by product competition. Therefore, a key problem with all national and international companies was to find a fast and efficient way of detecting flaws during the designing stage. This is why HALT and HASS became important.

It is universally known to be easier if a flaw or weak link is rectified during a developmental stage. If the product is already in mass production, any problems will be harder to fix. In this marginal profit age, if a product shows signs of malfunction or failures during the warranty period, the cost of damages and lose of reputation are incalculable.

During the 1990s, large American companies (including HP, Dell, Motorola and etc) had used HALT testing for newly developed products to quickly find any potential defects or weaknesses in the design or production as well as make modifications to lower costs during warranty, increase product reliability, and shorten product launch. In addition, findings from HALT testing can be used for failure mode and information for continuing development. Currently, high technology industries such as aerospace electronics, automobile electronics, and information technology all perform HALT testing and received effective results.

Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT)

Highly Accelerated Life Testing uses a step stressing technique to accelerate the life of the product. Stressing includes: vibration, high/ low temperature, rapid temperature cycling, and combined stress, on / off cycling, voltage limits and frequency limits.

Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS)

Highly Accelerated Stress Screening is to screen individual components at a stress greater than their capacity or expected normal use, to simulate extreme cases of storage, shipping or use. This exposure will help pinpoint weak product components. Therefore, better production control on components and manufacturing process can effectively control RMA percentage.

Generally, when a product shows failure in the field, usually there are already hundreds or thousands of that production line out on the market. Therefore, taking advantage of the results from HALT testing during the designing stage will increase product standards and by inducing the results into HASS testing will bring quality control on mass production.

Benefits of HALT/ HASS:

  • Potential flaws and defects of the product will emerge and can be rectified during the design stage.
  • For production screening, HASS can be used for creating product specifications and standards.
  • HALT/HASS can be used to reduce failures on the market and decrease repair costs.
  • Derived results can store as data reference for future developmental to save time and money.

Test Types


Temperature Stress Screening (ESS)


Dust Test


Vibration and Mechanical Shock Test


Thermal Shock (Air to Air)


Thermal Shock Water Splash Test


Drop Test


Temperature and Climatic Test


Corrosion Testing


Customisation Service


Water Ingress Protection (IP) Testing


Weathering Test